Sunday 20 November 2011

The Rain in Spain......

Saturday afternoon was very grey and we rushed home from a friend's house just as the sky was getting darker than it should have been and the rain was beginning,  around 5.30pm.

 What a deluge... an amazing tropical rain storm unlike anything experienced in our time here.... thunder crashing around the hills, lightening lighting up the night sky..... and it went on and on and on......
all evening, no signal from the satellite, electricity permanently on the blink.  Quite thrilling really but eventually we gave it up and had an early night.

Awoke this morning to leaden skies, the sea and mountains almost non existent, obscured by the clouds and the drizzling last of the rain......well we hope we've seen the last of it for a while.
It isn't cold, just feels a little damp so himself has lit the wood burner to cheer us up and tomorrow, the  forecast is sun with a high of 20.  That's to look forward to.

Before that, it's the arrival of  daughter and son-in-law and Sunday Chicken Lunch to look forward to.

The Sierra Nevada 5 days ago   -    The Ski Station should be opening very soon.