Tuesday 20 March 2012

Small Fire on Motril Vega........

As the drought continues, the chances of a brush fire breaking out rises, as emphasised by a fire that broke out on the vega between Motril’s Playa Granada and the SalobreƱa border.

Firemen from Motril had their work cut out for them putting out this short but fierce blaze amongst the reeds and last vestiges of sugar cane.
Ten hectares of non-cultivated arable land went up in flames, requiring ten Motril and three SalobreƱa fire crews to control and extinguish it.

The fire was reported at 07.30h on Thursday the 15th, but could not be completely extinguished until gone 14.15h. Even then a squad of firemen remained at the scene until past four in the afternoon to make sure that it did not break out again.

The cause of the fire is not known, although the prime hypothesis is that somebody was burning off cuttings.