Friday 13 April 2012

No Impact At All.......

Rajoy’s new PP government had committed themselves to a reduction in the deficit, to bring it down to 5.8 per cent ( from its current 8 point heaven knows what per cent).

This represented cuts of 30 billion euros. But then Brussels went on the attack and demanded it be brought down to 5.3 per cent, meaning a further 5 billion euros slashed.

Both of these figures are way above the previously agreed-upon figure of 4.4 per cent, which means that Brussels will no doubt fine Spain in the near future.

Minister of the Economy, Luis de Guindos, when asked what this 5 billion extra would mean vis-à-vis the Spanish economy, replied, “No impact at all.”

If I had been a reporter and present I would have asked him, “Then why wasn’t the 5.3 per cent figure chosen originally?”
These dupes think we are the dupes.

Anyway, although Brussels seems to be letting Spain get away with this for now, seeing as Spain is in  recession, is heavily indebted, has the highest unemployment rate in the glorious EU and is jodido, it is still watching all from on high.

Other countries, in lieu of Spain’s treatment, are looking towards Brussels for similar fiscal leniency.

To cut a long story short, we are all doomed if we continue with the Europe only a few have actually chosen.

copied from the Seaside Gazette
April 11th