Friday 15 June 2012

Some Friends.............

We have some friends who keep saying that their friends are rich and quote yachts, villas, motorhomes etc. but.......

........these friends of ours......  own a house in England and a car, not to mention a huge caravan, an enormous motorhome and have lately purchased yet another medium sized motorhome so they can drive along the 'Camino's instead of having to stay on the 'Autovias'  because, to cap it all, they  spend almost the whole of every year swanning around Europe and North Africa in their luxury motorhome.

How idyllic a life is that?

Is that not rich?

The following is an excerpt from their latest Blog:

"The van has yet to have a real name, so far the choices are:
Bruno - Bruisin around Europe
Twinkle - The star living the dream
Enterprise - Boldly going where we have not been before
Titchy - Small but perfectly formed

The sticker we want to put on is:
My other vans a REAL motorhome"

You might know them...or you might not..... but no pics I'm sorry to say, we must respect their privacy!