Saturday 18 January 2014

The Rain in Spain......

Motril Beach

At last, some  rain,

not just a drop or two,  no,  we  awoke at 4 o'clock this morning to the sound of  thunder crashing over head and lightening flashes rarely seen on this part of the Spanish Coast.  Tropical,  torrential rain  lashing down and a river of water rushing down the lane outside the winow.

The first thought was for the modem and leaping out of bed to switch it off because we've  previously had two of them  destroyed by electrical fields, the second was, will it would rain long enough to soften up the hard baked earth and fill the reservoirs.

Hours later it is still raining and more forecast for tomorrow which may or might not materialise; forecasted rain  has a tendency of disappearing into thin air here and the forecast catching up sometime later.

Meanwhile,  we're cosying up to the wood stove and enjoying the rain from the inside.