Not only will the recent decree that has effectively frozen development within the first 500 metres of the coast not affect Almuñécar’s 7-star hotel project, but the Junta is also reportedly about to grant the last missing piece of paperwork.
This project will bring some 200m euros into the province – which is not to be sniffed at.
The building phase will translate into much needed employment in the building sector (300 jobs), and of course, once it’s up and running, there is the question of hotel staff to run the place.
Just how many of these jobs will go to companies and individuals from outside the town is another question, but even if the construction company employs non-resident labour, they will have to eat somewhere locally… and, even if the hotel staff are not locals they will be living here once employment begins, putting money into the local economy.
It is reassuring to see the regional and municipal authorities, despite belonging to different political parties, working together to bring this project about, after so many years of conflict between the Junta and the ex-Mayor of Almuñécar.
Finally, the Mayor, Trinidad Herrera, says that once the final permission is received, the company will only need four weeks to commence work.
Only two years are needed before the hotel’s doors are opened to its first guests.