Thursday 20 December 2012

Half Sold Motril......

Almost half the new homes built in Motril are without purchasers. As far as apartments still under construction go, 87% don’t have an owner.
La Sociedad de Tasación has carried out a survey on real-estate on offer and future potential for housing growth within the municipality of Motril.

According to its Chairman, Juan Ferández Aceytuno, there are few municipalities in the land that have this sort of report in their hands; a useful tool to throw light onto what the exact situation of the township is concerning its real-estate potential.

What the S.C. did was to take 18 new developments; 14 completely finished and four pending termination. Of the homes included, 45% have not been sold. the Percentage rises to 87% if you take into account the homes that have still not been finished.

But Motril still has room to build more. Included within its PGOU (General Urban Development Plan) there is space for 13,072 more homes.

Finally, the report calculates that it would take 26 years to sell off all the potential and existing housing stock at an accelerated pace and 53 years at a slower, limited one.

Seaside Gazette -  December 17 2012